Friday, December 17, 2010

Books and words that “inspire”.

On page 47 of Kevin Hall’s book “Aspire”, Mr. Hall discusses the word “Character”.

Merriam-Webster of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual. She (he) has character.
2. the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation (the character of the American people)

From the book “Aspire”
“ The discussion turned to the word “character” the meaning of which, Arthur explained, has changed significantly over the years. Originally, it meant something that was engraved –on wood, on metal, on stone, on one’s soul. Character is who you are; it is you in totality-the composite of everything that has ever happened to you, all the good and all the bad experiences.
In Shakespeare’s time, character acquired an alternate meaning –quit the opposite. It became the word that described a part that an actor played. Characters acted out roles, wearing masks to hide their true identity. Instead of defining who you are, character defined who you are not.”

Does the word character stimulate in you, to think about who you really are or becoming, or does it bring to your mind the role you are playing. The alternate you, the one the world is saying you are. Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward, are influencing, hungry to learn, people how to develop their character. To change their behavior to become a person of character (the original meaning).

Orrin Woodward Character - Producers vs. Exploiters
“Character demands strength of mind, heart, and will. Choosing to do right, regardless of what others are doing, isn’t easy or natural, but leaders refuse to surrender their character, considering it more valuable than any earthly possession. Many talk glibly of character, boasting loudly of its importance, who, when circumstances press against them, quickly run to the easier wrong than the harder right. Character is less about head knowledge, nearly everyone knows when they are doing wrong, but more a matter of heart knowledge, doing right when it hurts.”

Play “your” part; the real you. The you who has purpose and direction in life. Your world is not a stage to act out a part in someone else’s play. It’s your live, live it to the fullest.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

In a business discussion with Dave and Mazie Girvan the topic of “feast or famine” came up. (Either too much or too little of something)The fact is simple; there are cycles in life and also in business. What we do during these times will determine our level of business growth. Momentum is the key. Getting momentum started and keeping it going is the process.
So what should we do in feast and also in famine?

Let’s start with famine, or “getting started” or “starting again”.
During times of famine we need to set a goal, a time capped and sense of urgency goal, and take action now! Chris Brady cofounder of The TEAM and coauthor of “Launching a Leadership Revolution” says that we must take “massive action”. The massive action in Community building is adding people to your business. Start this action by seeing yourself already having accomplished what you are going after. In our case that is TEAM Approach Vision. That is 10 new distributors in your tap root with 4 of those distributors on the TEAM “System”(EBC and Direct Fulfillment) in 30 days, starting with the last major TEAM Conference.

Excerpt from the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

“Keep in mind these facts:--
You are engaged in an undertaking of major importance to you. To be sure of success, you must have plans which are faultless.

You must have the advantage of the experience, education, native ability and imagination of other minds. This is in harmony with the methods followed by every person who has accumulated a great fortune. No individual has sufficient experience, education, native ability, and knowledge to insure the accumulation of a great fortune, without the cooperation of other people. Every plan you adopt, in your endeavor to accumulate wealth, should be the joint creation of yourself and every other member of your "Master Mind" group. You may originate your own plans, either in whole or in part, but SEE THAT THOSE PLANS ARE CHECKED, AND APPROVED BY THE MEMBERS OF YOUR "MASTER MIND" ALLIANCE.

If the first plan which you adopt does not work successfully, replace it with a new plan, if this new plan fails to work, replace it, in turn with still another, and so on, until you find a plan which DOES WORK. Right here is the point at which the majority of men meet with failure, because of their lack of PERSISTENCE in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail.

The most intelligent man living cannot succeed in accumulating money--nor in any other undertaking--without plans which are practical and workable. Just keep this fact in mind, and remember when your plans fail, that temporary defeat is not permanent failure. It may only mean that your plans have not been sound. Build other plans. Start all over again. Thomas A. Edison "failed" 10,000 times before he perfected the incandescent electric light bulb. That is--he met with temporary defeat ten thousand times, before his efforts were crowned with success.”

Look, we have all of this in TEAM and more! Call your upline, call me.
1. PDCA Plan Do Check and Adjust
2. Plan on 10 and 4 in 30 days
3. Work with the team that is already in process of doing 10 and 4.
4. CD Team 600 Marc Militello “Captain Obvious”, Tripping Points
5. Get on “System”
6. Master the Pattern
7. Start weather you are ready or not. Napoleon Hill says,
“Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action.”

“There was never any fear for me, no fear of failure. If I miss a shot, so what.”
Michael Jordan

At the end of this message there will be two links. One for a Check List for the process of 10 and 4. Another for what to do in the midst of Momentum.

Now let’s look at feast. “Keeping Momentum going”

One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.
Michael Korda, Simon & Schuster Publisher

Orrin Woodward, “Get momentum on your side – each day you conquer creates a momentum that gets carried over into the next day. Doing anything new will seem weird at first. However, overtime the awkwardness will fade and conquering the next day will prove to get easier and easier because you have momentum on your side.”

Massive Action will create Momentum, setting new goals in the midst of Momentum will continue the process, and working on the process daily is what you should do.

What I do in times of Momentum is work on keeping the Momentum going. I know that time without activity cools everything. Turn the burner off the boiling pot, it will cool off.
The Ferris wheel with no more power will come to a complete stop.

Mike Murdock: 'The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.

My daily routine is set up in 4 hour segments of accomplishment.

10 to 2PM Planning – Drawing out the Team working with
2 to 6 Phone calls – Prospecting – Errands – Reading – CD listening
6 to 10 STP – Follow Up’s – Counseling
10 to 2AM R&R – Counseling – Reading – CD listening

Your Momentum Routine may be different then mine.

6 to 8AM Up and Breakfast - Daily Planning
9 to 12 Work
12 to 1PM Lunch STP Trailer – Prospecting - Counseling
1 to 5PM Work
6 to 7:30 Dinner and Family
8 to 10 Meeting Time
10 to 12PM Reading - CD listening - Counseling
(work with an upline and your Team to multiply your time)

Continue to see yourself in the accomplishment of your Goal.
Set additional goals as you reach the current Goal.
Stay involved with all that is going around you and the Team you are working with.
Protect your daily routine. Stay involved till the Goal is reached.